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Very grateful for this kind review of Midlands by Don O’Mahony, which popped up on a dark December day just when I needed it. Read Una Mullally’s review here. As I have often said, writing a book is like sending a ping into space. And when someone receives it well, sees some value in it, …
News to gladden my heart: Home, a labour of love, has been nominated for an Ignatz award. It is the first DCAF publication, and involved the talent, skill and determination of our team Clara Dudley, Kat Foyle, Rosie O’Connor, and me, and 12 authors who were selected from an open call to submit stories relating …
Read more “Our DCAF anthology HOME has been nominated for an Ignatz award”
I made this one for Alliance Française Comic Book Festival 2023, as an intro to my working processes
Now I’ve finally finished Midlands, and as long as my mind is quiet before it fires up again with all the stories and characters, I’m planning to do a series of Minute Comic Reviews of small press creators. All my faves, in other words. In this one I review Melanie Whelan’s Dispatches from the West, …
It’s been an up and down year, for sure, what with e v e r y t h i n g, but I’ve had a lot of luck, professionally. I am so grateful for all the support 2021 brought. Ghosting won a whole (unbelievable!) slew of awards in the ICN Awards, by vote, proving forever …
Listen to us talking about life, fame, being fulfilled, being “ordinary”, being a blow-in, what makes people love you and comics a bit too. Great ramble chat, thank you Emmet! ^_^
One of the most rewarding things about this hermitty artist’s life is to make connections with other writers and creators so I was very chuffed to be interviewed by Leslie Tate earlier this year. It happened a few months ago, and enough time has passed for me to have forgotten what I wrote so reading …
Thank you to Anna Carey for adding Sarah and me to her list of Mná! A very nice surprise of a Saturday morning and what an honour to be listed alongside those amazing women. ^_^
Sarah and I are thrilled to announce we’ve launched a Graphic Short Prize with The Irish Times. The winning story (a 4 pager) will be printed in The Irish Times Ticket, and will win a cash prize, and the shortlist of ten will be printed in an anthology. (*Does Jig of Excitement*)More details and to …