It’s been an up and down year, for sure, what with e v e r y t h i n g, but I’ve had a lot of luck, professionally. I am so grateful for all the support 2021 brought. Ghosting won a whole (unbelievable!) slew of awards in the ICN Awards, by vote, proving forever that people are extremely sound, and was listed on Irish Times Best Graphic Novels for 2021, proving forever that Séamas O’Reilly is also extremely sound.

I posted out numerous copies of Ghosting to lovely people who bought it on Gumroad, and Matt sold a ton of them in his amazing indie comic shop Little Deer in Inchicore, Dublin 8.

I loved packing up each copy, doodling the envelopes, posting them off – thank you, kind people. When you support a small business like mine, you support a dream. When it is well received, it is like the ping a creator sent out into deep space is finally answered. 150 print copies have been sold and I am now doing a reprint.

(I’d also like to report that Ghosting has earned $8.72 in Kindle royalties! STAND BACK, Securicor van coming through, I’m retiring to Ibiza.)

I recorded a Deconstructing Comics podcast with the marvellous Emmet O’Cuana

I also enjoyed my interview with the kind revolutionary that is Leslie Stuart Tate

I went a bit isometric this year too – providing illustrations to The Sustainable Life School, for a cause that is near to my heart.

And to the PDST for materials for teaching social issues to the junior cycle students

I worked on my next book, (possibly titled) Midlands (or Ronnie Fox, Pharmacist); the script is now ready. The hope is to make a 4 pages a day [Ed: WOT, I meant 4 pages A WEEK, Janey, me nerves] in 2022, the comic gods willing.

Thank you so much for the many good things in 2021. Let’s be optimistic for 2022! Be kind to yourselves.

All the best, friends