drawing diary

I have (sort of) kept to my one-a-day plan this month. If you count live-pausing the television and drawing Gabriel Byrne on In Treatment, which I know I do. This is from the southern tip of Valentia, looking toward Skellig Islands. As in: Valentia: Visibility poor; improving later. I am trying to take my own advice and …

Big Draw

On the heel of our drawing course in the Botanic Gardens this summer, Anne and I have Great Plans afoot to run a collaborative Big Draw Event locally, linking with TheCampaign for Drawing and possibly also to coincide with the National Tree Day (6th October). We need to keep the details quiet till we get the off, but …


A vast box arrived yesterday, that surely could have housed a Shetland pony, but in fact contained a A3 scanner. It’s a behemoth yoke, moored on my desk like a cruise liner. Hey, when peak oil hits/we’re all flooded/the world fries to a crisp/insert apocalyptic scenario of your choice here, I’ll have something to sail …

On tortured artists

I darkened the door of Forbidden Planet the other day, and I wasn’t even the only female therein, which just shows.. something, I imagine, and saw fit to indulge myself with this book, which had thus far escaped me. I don’t know why exactly it is so entertaining to read the toe-curling stories of Mawil’s adolescent failure …