Midlands reviews

Very grateful for this kind review of Midlands by Don O’Mahony, which popped up on a dark December day just when I needed it.

Read Una Mullally’s review here. As I have often said, writing a book is like sending a ping into space. And when someone receives it well, sees some value in it, that is the answering ping that lets you know you are not alone in space, that someone appreciates your effort.

I’d also like to extend my heartfelt gratitude, like rolling a red carpet of thanks in my mind all the way to Little Deer Comics, without which no one would have read any of my books. Ever. I’m grateful to everyone who has ever encouraged or supported me, long ago or recently, friend or stranger. I appreciate you all.

Onward into 2024, it seems, friends. My watchword for 2024 in this brutal and beautiful world where it’s so easy to become paralysed with the overwhelm is SMALL. As in: Start small. Small is all. With small, momentum starts.

So I will plant a seed, refill a bottle, send an email of protest, rescue a bee, pick up a plastic tub on the beach. Never believe that it’s nothing, that it’s not enough. It’s a start.